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LE podcast en direct de la cop15 à montréal
a daily podcast live from the un biodiversity conference


Follow NOMAD live from the COP 15 for in-depth interviews with participants, decision makers, organizers, and local citizens taking part in this historic gathering of the World's governments in Montreal, from December 7 to 19th 2022. Directed by gonzo filmmaker, Jason Rodi, COPCAST brings you to the heart of the conference to understand the stakes, the goals, the process, and the experience of COP15.

Attribution : timelapse shots of set up from 49min30 to 50min30 by Jean-François Dufault ECCC

In this first episode Jason meets with Aaron Laur from the Center for Large Landscape Conservation who explains the goal of the conference, for the World's governments to agree on a new set of goals to guide global action through 2030 to halt and reverse nature loss.

Then Sylvie Barcelo, project chief for the Québec government, details the planning that such a gathering of nations can entail, this as we follow the COP15 host, Jean Lemire, Emissary for Climate Change and Northern and Arctic Issues for the Quebec government as he meets with the prime minister of Quebec, François Legault, and Benoit Charette, Minister of the Environment of Quebec. Together they head to the opening ceremony where Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau’s allocution is interrupted by First Nations people chanting a song for nature.

Attribution : Underwater images by Sharif Mirshak of Parafilms (

COP is a true gathering of the World, with nearly 200 countries represented. For this first official day we meet : Duygu Donertas of Turkey where COP16 will be held, Sadia Munawar from Pakistan, Dr. Aaron Savio Lobo and Shyama Kuriakose of WCS India (, Bakari Mnaya of Tanzania's National Parks, and Dr. Alice C. Hughes of The University of Hong Kong.

Meet the incredible Christian Schwarzer at COP15 from Germany for his initiative, the Youth Summit, bringing together 300 youth from around the world and key dignitaries, including United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres driving momentum for transformative change at COP 15.

I was then introduced to Eshadi Mendis of the Sri Lanka and Asia chapters of Global Youth Biodiversity Network, coordinating the GYBN organization there. "GYBN showed me the capacity I have within myself."

ICLEI, together with its partners, was pleased to welcome subnational and local governments to Montréal, Québec, Canada for the 7th Summit for Subnational Governments and Cities and its associated Pavilion. The Summit, an official parallel event to the COP 15.


This segment is sponsored by the David Suzuki Foundation

● Mme Martine Biron, Minister of International Relations and la Francophonie, Government of Quebec

● Video clip of the 1992 speech by 13-year-old Severn Cullis-Suzuki

● David Suzuki, Co-founder, David Suzuki Foundation, to take the floor to make a short statement and present his daughter, Severn Cullis-Suzuki

● Severn Cullis-Suzuki, Executive Director, David Suzuki Foundation, to deliver intervention

● Ghislain Picard, Chief of the Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador

● Valérie Plante, Mayor of Montréal and ICLEI Global Ambassador for Local Biodiversity, welcomes everyone to Montréal and the historic Summit

● Video message from His Excellency Staff Major Khaled Fouda Siddiq Mohammed, Governor of South Sinai, Egypt, host of the 6th Summit

● Performance by Elisapie Isaac

● Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director, UN Habitat

● Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director General, FAO

● Neo Gim Huay, Managing Director, Centre for Nature and Climate at the World Economic Forum

● Wade Crowfoot, Secretary for Natural Resources, State of California, USA

● Messages from citizens around the world

Short closing statements by hosts:

● Valérie Plante, Mayor of Montréal, Canada and ICLEI Global Ambassador for Local Biodiversity

● Yingmin Zhao, Vice Minister, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, China

● Iñigo Urkullu Renteria, President, Regional Government, Basque Country and President of Regions4

● Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Executive Secretary, CBD ● Gino Van Begin, Secretary General, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability


The Summit constitutes an unprecedented global milestone to welcome significantly strengthened contributions from subnational and local governments to the new post-2020 global biodiversity framework (GBF).


The Summit, focused on taking action for biodiversity, was held on the 11th and 12th December 2022 at the Palais des Congrès and was centered around three elements: engage, influence, act.


Trying to capture every side of COP15, Rodi follows a protest up the streets of Montreal.

Stated on the webpage to the event:
"Contre la COP15, Pour la biodiversité! Face à la crise climatique, nous avons besoin d’un changement de système que la COP15 ne peut nous offrir. En effet, on en est à la quinzième COP15, qui suit de près la décennie de mobilisation de l’ONU sur la biodiversité. Fidèles à leurs habitudes de greenwashing, les États et les entreprises écocidaires profiteront de ce sommet pour financer la destruction de la biodiversité en se serrant la main gaiement. On ne peut pas se résoudre à cette hypocrisie alors que les conséquences se font sentir sur les pays les plus pauvres et les populations les plus marginalisées: la solution réside dans l’action et la résistance populaire. Ceci est un appel à toutes les personnes et les groupes qui le souhaitent à rejoindre une manifestation large pour la biodiversité et contre la COP15."

TIOHTIÀ:KE (Montréal), le 10 décembre 2022 – Le Collectif COP15, la CBD Alliance et le Global Youth Biodiversity Network, ainsi que Greenpeace Canada, étaient fier de marcher aux côtés de plus de 3 500 personnes qui se sont réunies à partir de 13h00 aujourd’hui à la Statue du Mont-Royal, point de départ de la Grande marche pour le vivant, malgré le froid glacial. Alors que la COP15 est le rendez-vous mondial le plus important au sujet de la biodiversité depuis plus de 10 ans, les groupes soutiennent que les dirigeant-e-s du monde entier ont la responsabilité d’être à la hauteur de ce moment historique. Rappelons que ces grandes coalitions et leurs centaines de milliers de sympathisant-e-s exigent des États un Cadre mondial pour la biodiversité suffisamment fort pour inverser la perte de la biodiversité et garantissant le respect des droits fondamentaux des communautés et des individus, notamment autochtones, qui protègent les écosystèmes de la planète.


La mobilisation d’une foule de cette ampleur ayant choisi de braver le froid mordant du mois de décembre durant plusieurs heures démontre la pression qui pèse sur les États qui négocient actuellement le prochain Cadre mondial pour la biodiversité au sein de la COP15, qui se poursuit jusqu’au 19 décembre au Palais des congrès.


« Je retiens une chose de cette marche: la solidarité entre les peuples ! Solidarité pour une planète vivante, solidarité envers les peuples d’ici et d’ailleurs, gardiens des territoires, solidarité pour exiger de nos dirigeants un cadre mondial ambitieux réellement à la hauteur des crises environnementales. La foule de 3 500 personnes réunie aujourd’hui avait un message clair pour ceux qui sont en train de négocier à la COP15: vous n’avez pas le droit d’échouer!», affirme Anne-Céline Guyon, chargée de projet experte climat de Nature Québec, membre du Collectif COP15.

Approaching two decades of work in communications management, marketing and campaign development in the field of biodiversity and sustainable development David Ainsworth's work with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity has been an amazing journey in campaigning for nature, biodiversity and the ecosystems of the world.

Today David gives us a tour of the Palais des Congrès while COP15 is in full swing. Few know COP like David, so we get to understand the negotiation process in far more detail, and how a COP is actually conducted, and even a brief history of it. NOMAD live from the COP 15 for in-depth interviews with participants, decision makers, organizers, and local citizens taking part in this historic gathering of the World in Montreal, from December 7 to 19th 2022. Directed by gonzo filmmaker Jason Rodi, COPCAST brings you to the heart of the convention to understand the stakes, the goals, the process, and the experience of COP15.

Get an update on the state of the COP15 negotiations from the Executive Secretary to the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Honorable Elizabeth Maruma Mrema.

After representatives from developing countries walk out of the COP 15 negotiations on conserving the world's biodiversity, Jason Rodi speaks to participants to understand their concerns about funding of those countries that hold most of the biodiversity with the least means to protect it. From a protest right outside of the conference, to a press conference on Amazonia for Life aiming to protect 80% of the Amazon by 2050, we also hear from Alice Jacobée, a science for environment masters student who eloquently shines light on the proceedings.

With 196 countries and 18 000 visitors, COP15 is the perfect representation of the global village. We speak with Harrison Nnoko of Cameroon, CEO of AJESH (AJAMALEBU SELF HELP) whose mission of protecting African biodiversity aligns with that of the Amazone, hence developing joint programs between the regions. We also meet with other proud delegates of Cameroon who express their goals in coming to Montreal.

Diane Dufresne

Chanteuse, comédienne, peintre, la légendaire Diane Dufresne marque la COP15 de ses chansons lors d'un concert intime offrant un répit aux négociations. La puissance de sa prestation nous a tous laissé bouches bées grace au contact généreux qu'elle partagea avec chacun d'entre nous. Espérant que sa musique saura autant vous toucher, voici Oxygène (Luc Plamondon et Germain Gauthier), Hymne à la beauté du monde (Luc Plamondon et Christian St Rock) et Parce que tu rêves (Nelson Mainville) accompagné d'Olivier Godin qui signe aussi les arrangements.

Dax Dasilva is a man of many passions. A prominent LGBTQ rights activist, a fervent supporter of the arts, and a committed outdoor enthusiast, and with Lightspeed, he also happens to be one of Canada's most successful entrepreneurs. But at 44 years old, Dasilva stepped away from day-to-day management to focus on Age of Union, a non-profit environmental alliance that supports a global community of changemakers working to protect the planet’s threatened species and ecosystems. Launched in October 2021 with an initial gift of $40 million by Dasilva, Age of Union supports high-impact projects addressing today’s urgent conservation challenges. Age of Union was at COP15 to participate and speak at multiple COP15 events where he made a special commitment announcement on the Peruvian Amazon with Junglekeepers. During this COPCAST you'll also hear from Junglekeepers' founder and field director, Paul Rosolie about his efforts to protect the Amazon.

Today I met with Gauranga Das of the Goverdhan Ecovillage retreat, at COP15 as a faith based organisation. Take this moment of relaxation with us as we learn what an ecovillage is, a place where you lose yourself into the labyrinths of your innermost self using the time honoured snaps of Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation.

As COP15 comes to a close and we wrap up the COPCAST, we take a look back at the first day of the convention when António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, delivers his opening remarks on the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity.

December 19th 2022, Montreal, its the last day of COP15, the UN Biodiversity Conference. For the final episode of COPCAST - The COP15 Podcast, I brought my daughters, AliX (10) and Jane (14) to witness history . We started the day with the morning press conference from UN Information Officer, David Ainsworth, about the historic agreement that was reached by the delegates only hours prior, in the late hours of the night. We then have a privileged moment with the COP15 host himself, the great explorer and filmmaker, Jean Lemire, now Emissary for Climate Change and Northern and Arctic Issues at Gouvernement du Québec. He gives us an overview of what the negotiations were like, and the agreement that was reached.

Le 19 décembre 2022, Montréal, le dernier jour de la COP15, la Conférence sur la Diversité Biologique des Nations Unies. Pour ce dernier épisode de COPCAST ​​- Le podcast de la COP15, j'ai amené mes filles, AliX (10) et Jane (14) pour assister à un moment de l'histoire. Nous avons débuté la journée avec la conférence de presse du matin du responsable de l'information de l'ONU, David Ainsworth, sur l'accord historique qui a été atteint par les délégués quelques heures auparavant, dans les heures tardives de la nuit. Nous avons ensuite un moment privilégié avec l'hôte de la COP15, le grand cinéaste et explorateur Jean Lemire, maintenant émissaire aux changements climatiques et aux enjeux nordiques et arctiques du gouvernement du Québec. Il nous donne un aperçu de l'accord qui a été conclu.

Cet entrevue avec Jean Lemire, Émissaire aux changements climatiques et aux enjeux nordiques et arctiques chez Gouvernement du Québec, donne une bonne vue d'ensemble sur la Convention sur la diversité biologique des Nations Unies et ce que nous esperons y accomplir.


NØRD, une production du Quartier des spectacles, par NOMAD Life, illumine les murs de Montréal avec la biodiversité nordique dans le cadre de Luminothérapie, jusqu’au printemps. Tourné récemment au Cap Nord, en Norvège, le réalisateur Jason Rodi à aussi fait appel à l’explorateur Jean Lemire pour ses images de la faune Arctique. NØRD vous invite à contempler la beauté d’un monde lointain et pourtant si proche.

Winter Refinery | Spirit of Fire - Jesse Gallagher
Winter Refinery | Spirit of Fire - Jesse Gallagher

Winter Refinery | Spirit of Fire - Jesse Gallagher

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