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With everything happening this year, no matter what your situation is or your thoughts on it are, we are all deeply affected. Sadly, division prevails and life in society is more impersonal than ever. In a burst of light, feeling we need to see more lovin’ around, Patrice Marier, supported by his life partner, Marie-Pierre Hamel, and his good friend Julius Bitterling, had an idea:

In a flashmob style, couples are invited to hug for one hour, in public, not to disrespect social distancing, or to provoke, but rather to encourage profound intimacy, vulnerability and receptivity with the few people we are able to be close with in this time.

Stay tuned for more hugging gatherings and their positive ripple effects.
Follow @onehourhug, share, participate and spread the love.

One Hour Hug
One Hour Hug - Igokai by Adrien Malka
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One Hour Hug on
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One Hour Hug - short version
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